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Sorry for a long update. I'm shifting my topic from medical to e-business because of lack of medical resources and funds but I will update medical section next year

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Hildegard Peplau

Dr. Peplau emphasized the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing practice. The essence of Peplau's theories is the creation of a shared experience. Nurses, she thought, could facilitate this through observation, description, formulation, interpretation, validation, and intervention.

For example, as the nurse listens to her client she develops a general impression of the client's situation. The nurse then validates her inferences by checking with the client for accuracy. The result may be experiential learning, improved coping strategies, and personal growth for both parties.

Orientation Phase

The phase of the relationship, when the nurse and patient first meet is known as the orientation phase. This is a time when the patient and nurse come to know each other as people and each other’s expectations and roles are understood. The tasks of this phase are to build trust, rapport, establish a therapeutic environment, assess the patients strengths and weakness and establish a mode of communication acceptable to both patient and nurse.

Identification Phase

The patient begins to identify with the nurse and identify problems, which can be worked on. The meaning behind feelings and behaviour of the nurse and patient are explored. Peplau states that when a nurse permits patients to express what they feel, and still get all of the nursing that is needed, then patients can undergo illness as an experience that reorients feelings and strengthens positive forces in the personality.

Exploitation Phase

The patient realistically exploits all of the services available to them on the basis of self interest and need. The nurse assists the patient in their efforts to strike a balance between the needs for dependence and independence.

Resolution Phase

The resolution phase involves the gradual freeing from identification with helping persons, and the generation and strengthening of ability to stand alone, eventually leading to the mutual termination of the relationship. The patient abandons old needs and aspires to new goals. She or he continues to apply new problem solving skills and maintains changes in style of communication and interaction. Resolution includes planning for alternative sources of support, problem prevention, and the patient’s integration of the illness experience


Id, ego, and super-ego are the three parts of the "psychic apparatus" defined in Freud's so-called structural model of the psyche, they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described.

According to this model, the uncoordinated instinctual trends are the "id"; the organised realistic part of the psyche is the "ego," and the critical and moralizing function the "super-ego."

THE ID (“It”) in latin ("das Es")

unctions in the irrational and emotional part of the mind. At birth a baby’s mind is all Id - want want want.

The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, sex (Libido), and aggressive impulses (Thanatos). It is amoral and egocentric, ruled by the pleasure–pain principle. it is without a sense of time, completely illogical, primarily sexual, infantile in its emotional development, and will not take "no" for an answer. and it has only one rule --> “I want it and I want it all now”.

In transactional analysis, Id equates to "Child".

Id too strong = bound up in self-gratification and uncaring to others

THE EGO (“I”) in latin
("das Ich")

functions with the rational part of the mind. The Ego comprises that organized part of the personality structure which includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions.

Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The Ego develops out of growing awareness that you can’t always get what you want. The Ego relates to the real world and operates via the
“reality principle”.

The Ego realises the need for compromise and negotiates between the Id and the Superego. The Ego's job is to get the Id's pleasures but to be reasonable and bear the long-term consequences in mind.

The Ego denies both instant gratification and pious delaying of gratification. The term ego-strength is the term used to refer to how well the ego copes with these conflicting forces. To undertake its work of planning, thinking and controlling the Id, the Ego uses some of the Id's libidinal energy. In transactional analysis, Ego equates to "Adult".

Ego too strong = extremely rational and efficient, but cold, boring and distant

THE SUPEREGO (“Over-I”) or ("Upper-I") in latin (das Über-Ich")

The Superego is the last part of the mind to develop. It comprises that organised part of the personality structure, mainly but not entirely unconscious .

The Superego becomes an embodiment of parental and societal values. It stores and enforces rules. It constantly strives for perfection, even though this perfection ideal may be quite far from reality or possibility. Its power to enforce rules comes from its ability to create anxiety.

The Superego has two subsystems, the Ego Ideal and Conscience.

The Ego Ideal provides rules for good behaviour, and standards of excellence towards which the Ego must strive. The Ego ideal is basically what the child’s parents approve of or value.

The Conscience is the rules about what constitutes bad behaviour. The Conscience is basically all those things that the child feels mum or dad will disapprove of or punish.

Superego too strong = feels guilty all the time, may even have an insufferably saintly personality

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Tetracyclines have the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial activity, effective against a remarkably wide variety of organisms.

Tetracyclines inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by blocking the attachment of the transfer RNA-amino acid to the ribosome. More precisely they are inhibitors of the codon-anticodon interaction. Tetracyclines can also inhibit protein synthesis in the host, but are less likely to reach the concentration required because eukaryotic cells do not have a tetracycline uptake mechanism.

Tetracycline can have toxic effects on development of bone. Therefore, tetracyclines are generally not recommended during pregnancy or nursing. Tetracyclines may cause discoloration of teeth if used in children less than 8 years of age.


The quinolones are a family of broad-spectrum antibiotics and a bactericidal drugs, actively killing bacteria.

Fluoroquinolones interfere with bacterial DNA metabolism by the inhibition of two enzymes, Topoisomerase II and Topoisomerase IV. In Gram-negative organisms DNA gyrase is the primary target, whereas in Gram-positive bacteria Topoisomerase IV was recently found to be most affected.

Resistance to quinolones can evolve rapidly, even during a course of treatment. An important precaution is that unnecessary use or abuse of antibiotics can encourage drug-resistant strains of bacteria to develop and proliferate. These drug-resistant strains then become difficult, or even impossible, to treat. Bacteria found in hospitals appear to have become especially resilient, and are causing increasing difficulty for patients and the doctors treating them.


Aminoglycosides that are derived from bacteria of the Streptomyces genus are named with the suffix -mycin, while those which are derived from Micromonospora are named with the suffix -micin.

Aminoglycosides are used for serious gram-negative infections, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are active against most gram-negative aerobic bacilli but lack activity against anaerobes and most gram-positive bacteria, except for most staphylococci. It Inhibit protein synthesis by binding to a portion of the bacterial ribosome. Most of them are bacteriocidal.

They are not absorbed from the intestine, they are usually given by injection. Aminoglycosides are quite toxic, with side effects including damage to the ears and kidneys. For this reason they are only used for infections that do not respond to other antibiotics.


Macrolides are used to treat infections such as respiratory tract and soft tissue infections. The antimicrobial spectrum of macrolides is slightly wider than that of penicillin, and therefore macrolides are a common substitute for patients with a penicillin allergy.

The mechanism of action of the macrolides is inhibition of bacterial protein biosynthesis by binding reversibly to the subunit 50S of the bacterial ribosome, thereby inhibiting translocation of peptidyl tRNA. This action is mainly bacteriostatic, but can also be bactericidal in high concentrations. Macrolides tend to accumulate within leukocytes, and are therefore actually transported into the site of infection.


Cephalosporin , any of a group of more than 20 antibiotics derived from species of fungi of the genus Cephalosporium and closely related chemically to penicillin. It act against both gram-positive and gram-negative by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis and it is also a bactericidal.

First-generation cephalosporins are predominantly active against gram-positive bacteria.

Second-generation cephalosporins have a greater Gram-negative spectrum while retaining some activity against gram-positive cocci.

Third-generation cephalosporins have a broad spectrum of activity and further increased activity against Gram-negative organisms. Some members of this group have decreased activity against Gram-positive organisms.

Fourth-generation cephalosporins are extended-spectrum agents with similar activity against Gram-positive organisms as first-generation cephalosporins. They also have a greater resistance to beta-lactamases than the third-generation cephalosporins. Many can cross blood brain barrier and are effective in meningitis. They are also used against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Penicillin is one of the earliest discovered and widely used antibiotic agents, derived from the Penicillium mold. Antibiotics are natural substances that are released by bacteria and fungi into the their environment, as a means of inhibiting other organisms - it is chemical warfare on a microscopic scale.Used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually Gram-positive organisms

Penicillins have been shown to inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis, and interact with penicillin binding proteins, leading to bacterial lysis.

Acute Gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis could be more simply called a long, and potentially lethal bout of stomach flu. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain, because whatever causes the condition inflames the gastrointestinal tract. Acute gastroenteritis is quite common among children, though it is certainly possible for adults to suffer from it as well. While most cases of gastroenteritis last a few days, acute gastroenteritis can last for weeks and months.

Numerous things may cause
acute gastroenteritis. Bacterial infection is frequently a factor, Viruses can also cause lengthy stomach flu, particularly rotaviruses and noroviruses. Accidental poisoning or exposure to toxins may also instigate acute gastroenteritis as well.

When a person does not recover from stomach flu symptoms within a day or so, it is usually a good idea to see a doctor. Some types of
acute gastroenteritis will not resolve without antibiotic treatment, especially when bacteria or exposure to parasites are the cause. Physicians may want to diagnose the cause by analyzing a stool sample, when stomach symptoms remain problematic.

Pathophysiology of Acute Gastroenteritis

Normal Physiology of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries.Blood pressure results from two forces. One is created by the heart as it pumps blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system. The other is the force of the arteries as they resist the blood flow.A normal blood pressure is <120/<80

Normal Physiology of Blood Pressure V1

Baroreceptor reflex control of blood pressure

Blood Pressure JNC7

Virginia Avenel Henderson

Her famous definition of nursing was "The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength,will or knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible." She was one of the first nurses to point out that nursing does not consist of merely following physician's orders.

Florence Nightingale

Who came to be known as "The Lady with the Lamp", was a pioneering nurse, writer and a statistician.

Florence Nightingale's most famous contribution came during the Crimean War, which became her central focus when reports began to filter back to Britain about the horrific conditions for the wounded.

She used the Miasma Theory, it states that diseases was associated with poor sanitation and hence foul odors and that sanitary improvements reduced diseases.

Florence Nightingale gained the nickname "The Lady with the Lamp", deriving from a phrase in a report in The Times

The report says - She is a ‘ministering angel’ without any exaggeration in these hospitals, and as her slender form glides quietly along each corridor, every poor fellow's face softens with gratitude at the sight of her. When all the medical officers have retired for the night and silence and darkness have settled down upon those miles of prostrate sick, she may be observed alone, with a little lamp in her hand, making her solitary rounds.

In Psychology there is a term called Florence Nightingale Effect, whereby nurses and doctors fall in love with their patients.

Nightingale's model is based on the idea that the nurse manipulates the environment to promote the patient's well-being or so called the environmental adaptation theory

The theory states that
the environment is an alterable medium that can be used to improve the conditions of nature and encourage healing. Ventilation, clean air, clean water, control of noise, provision for light, and adequate waste management are just a some of the elements she believed could be monitored and improved when necessary

Sterile gloving - sterile gloving
- double gloving